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showcase Archives - Ailie Clark

Showcase !

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Showcase at Form 62 Humber St Hull.

7th March – 5th April 2020

8th March celebration of International Women’s day I will be doing an artists meet and greet from 1pm-3pm in store!


‘Ailie Clark is a freelance Illustrator based in Hull and works out of her studio in
Humber Streets, Juice. She creates fun, beautifully nostalgic illustrations
influenced by her love of bold colours and simplicity of line. She has created
work for clients such as the NHS and exhibited in large shows such as Print
Club London Blisters 2018.  Ailie is in the early stages of her career as an
Illustrator and hopes to build upon her already growing portfolio.
Being an illustrator it is Ailie’s job to visualise a message or meaning. Her
showcase is no different.
Ailie lives with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and a few months ago whilst at
the Rheumatology clinic she noticed something… all the patients were
female. This made her think, how many women live with this in comparison to
This thought then expanded to other autoimmune conditions. Ailie set about
researching and found that 75% of people with autoimmune/invisible diseases
are women. The reason? Well it’s not clear but it is thought that the drastic
changes in hormones that women experience in their lifetimes could be a
Ailie knows many amazing women that live with autoimmune/invisible
diseases and has created this showcase to celebrate them. Their illnesses
may be invisible but their badassery isn’t.’